Getting Ready for Retirement
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Getting Ready for Retirement

Retirement is on the horizon, and while that’s exciting, it can also feel a bit... uncertain. You’ve spent years—decades, really—immersed in your career. Now, as you start winding down, it’s natural to wonder what will replace all the intellectual challenges and sense of purpose that your job gave you.

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Living with Hearing Loss
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Living with Hearing Loss

In 2014, I realized I was no longer hearing the sounds I had come to appreciate, including the church bells and birdsong. I also wondered why everyone at work was mumbling. It finally dawned on me that I was the one with the problem, not my mumbling colleagues.

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Re​tire Defined
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Re​tire Defined

The word "retire" has a rich history dating back to the late 16th century.

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Be the Main Character
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Be the Main Character

Muriel Spark’s quote is about being the author of your own story. In retirement, this means making deliberate choices that reflect your desires, values, and dreams. It’s about creating a narrative where you are the main character, driving the plot forward with purpose and intention.

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The Journey
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

The Journey

In "The Journey," Mary Oliver writes of a person who finds themselves standing at the edge of a forest, faced with the choice of staying where they are or venturing into the unknown. It is a powerful metaphor for the mid-life transitions that many of us encounter, where we must choose between the comfort of familiarity and the uncertainty of change.

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Mindful Moments
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Mindful Moments

Life transitions can be challenging, but they also offer opportunities for growth and self-discovery. In this post, we'll explore some mindfulness techniques that can help you navigate these changes gracefully. Take a deep breath, and let’s begin.

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Embracing the YOLO Spirit
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Embracing the YOLO Spirit

As you navigate this journey of life, remember to stop and smell the proverbial roses, to dance in the rain, and to savor the flavors of today. Life is a mosaic of fleeting moments, and by living with the YOLO spirit, you paint a masterpiece that is uniquely yours. Embrace the now, for in doing so, you create a life that is not just lived but truly celebrated.

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Unearthing Our True Nature
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Unearthing Our True Nature

Nature has always been a powerful source of wisdom, offering many metaphors to help us understand ourselves.

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The Secret of Change
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

The Secret of Change

Change is an inevitable force that shapes our lives in many ways. Whether it's a personal transformation or a societal shift, the way we respond to change determines our ability to adapt and grow. Socrates, the renowned philosopher, once said, "The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." This profound statement holds the key to embracing change and harnessing its potential.

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Beyond Finances
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Beyond Finances

When it comes to retirement planning, most people tend to focus solely on the financial aspects. While financial preparedness is undoubtedly crucial, it's equally important to consider the non-financial aspects of retirement.

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Reconnecting with Hunger Signals
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Reconnecting with Hunger Signals

Why women become disconnected from hunger signals, problems that result from disconnection, and what we can do to reconnect with body signals.

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Native Plants in the Backyard Garden
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Native Plants in the Backyard Garden

The value of native plants far exceeds their physical beauty. To help address the problem of habitat fragmentation, the next time you go looking for a new plant, consider the benefits of native plants and look for plants that are from your local area.

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Six Types of Pleasure
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

Six Types of Pleasure

Six Types of Pleasure. Joy and pleasure are essential for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire


Flow is a key component of happiness and well-being

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WSJ: You’re Already Moving Toward…
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

WSJ: You’re Already Moving Toward…

WSJ Essay, an excerpt adapted from Ms. Joanne Lipman’s new book, “Next! The Power of Reinvention in Life and Work,” which will be published on March 21 by HarperCollins

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About Ageism
Roberta Gregoire Roberta Gregoire

About Ageism

How ageism can affect older adults and some resources if you or someone you know is experiencing ageism.

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